IPC Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2020

The IPC Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2020 appears  below. To view and download a PDF of this document click here IPC Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2020


The Information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) respects and values the different backgrounds, skills, experience and needs that its diverse stakeholders and staff contribute to the organisation’s strategic and regulatory goals of the right to information access and protection of privacy in NSW.

Message from the CEO/Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner

As a modern independent regulator, the IPC is always seeking innovative and strategic ways to better support our regulated sectors in good information management and privacy protection for the benefit of the NSW community. Attracting, recruiting and retaining high quality and diverse staff is essential to meeting our strategic goals and future challenges. The IPC Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2020 outlines how the organisation will work with its diverse stakeholders to better deliver on its strategic goals to champion the right to access government information and protect privacy as enshrined in the legislation we administer. The Plan also seeks to support and instil a workplace culture that values diversity in skills and perspectives, and offers fair and inclusive work practices for all staff.

Elizabeth Tydd                                                          Samantha Gavel

IPC Chief Executive Officer                                      NSW Privacy Commissioner
NSW Information Commissioner
NSW Open Data Advocate

Our priorities

  1. Identify the needs of people within diverse communities in NSW to promote their right to accessing government-held information and the protection of privacy.
  2. Enhance information about how to access government-held information and protection of privacy rights for people within diverse communities in NSW.
  3. Promote the needs of our diverse communities in NSW when developing and delivering resources to support the work of our regulated sectors in providing access to information and the protection of privacy rights.
  4. Enhance the organisation’s capacity and individual competency to understand and respond to population diversity. 

Purpose of the plan

The IPC Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2020 (the Plan) provides a four-year strategic roadmap to improve the way we communicate with, and deliver services to, the diverse communities of NSW. It also identifies way the IPC can create an inclusive workplace. The organisation is committed to achieving these strategic goals to ensure we remain an innovative and respected regulator, and an employer of choice within the NSW public sector.

The Plan adopts a consolidated approach to cover disability, multicultural services and Aboriginal engagement. The Plan meets our legislative requirements under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW), the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Commonwealth), the Disability Services Act 1993 (NSW), the Carers (Recognition) Act 2010 (NSW), the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 (GSE Act), Government Employment (General) Rules 2014, and Annual Reports (Departments) Regulation 2015.

Implementing the plan

The success of the Plan is dependent on implementation, and IPC staff taking responsibility to ensure that the outcomes of the Plan are achieved within the required timeframes. The actions in the Plan will be monitored regularly and reported on in the IPC Annual Report as required under the Annual Reports (Departments) Act 1985.

Priority 1

Identify the needs of people within diverse communities in NSW to promote their right to accessing government-held information and the protection of privacy.

How we will do it

  • Develop and deliver a survey into the community attitudes of information access and privacy rights in NSW
  • Collaborate and engage with other integrity agencies and organisation to work together and leverage resources to better understand the needs of NSW’s diverse communities
  • Engage with regulated sectors to identify better practices in ensuring that diverse communities are able to exercise their information and privacy rights.

How we will measure it

  • Analyse data collected by agencies on diversity groups’ use of access to information and privacy rights
  • Investigate how to monitor and assess access by diverse communities to the IPC’s and agency services, such as through client feedback
  • Continued reporting on the outcomes of the Plan in the IPC’s Annual Report.

Priority 2

Enhance information about how to access government-held information and protection of privacy rights for people within diverse communities in NSW.

How we will do it

  • Review available resources and publications for their useability and accessibility to meet the needs of diverse communities 
  • Incorporate the needs of diverse communities into the IPC’s engagement strategy and key IPC policies and guidelines
  • Work with our regulated government stakeholders to ensure they understand and are equipped with the resources and information required to implement inclusive information access and privacy practices
  • Identify priority documents for conversion to Easy Read formats
  • Review the IPC’s current accessibility of our website and resources relevant to a broad set of diversity and inclusion cohorts.

How we will measure it

  • Analysis of the current state of IPC’s resources and website with regard to accessibility of content
  • Analysis of the need to develop guidance on ways to enhance participation by diverse groups as part of the delivery of the NSW Charter for public Participation
  • Monitor number of downloads and views of new or revised guidelines and resources
  • Feedback from community on improvements to accessibility of website and resources via the IPC’s feedback loops (including surveys).

Priority 3

Promote the needs of our diverse communities in NSW when developing and delivering resources to support the work of regulated sectors in providing access to information and the protection of privacy rights.

How we will do it

  • Deliver a Commissioners’ Diversity statement as part of the IPC Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2020
  • Engage with regulated government entities to identify and leverage opportunities to provide links to IPC online resources (including the NSW Right to Information/Privacy Practitioners’ Network)
  • Ensure issues/needs of diversity and inclusion are considered in the development of key IPC statutory reports.

How we will measure it

  • Feedback from regulated entities on the IPC’s approaches to better serving diverse communities through the actions laid out in the IPC Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2020  
  • Feedback from regulated entities on how they are responding to diverse community needs in data collection procedures.

Priority 4

Enhance the organisation’s capacity and individual competency to understand and respond to population diversity.

How we will do it

  • Identify IPC staff to participate in available programs to enhance their capability to communicate to and work with people in diverse cohorts
  • Promote the IPC as a workforce diversity employer of choice via recruitment initiatives
  • Ensure accessible and inclusive recruitment and selection processes.

How we will measure it

  • Identify measurement and reporting against the IPC Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2020 and provide outcomes via the IPC Annual Report
  • IPC Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2017 – 2020 priorities and targets are incorporated into business planning processes
  • Innovative workforce diversity strategies and solutions are recognised and showcased
  • An increased number of staff from under-represented groups participating in capability development opportunities which are underpinned by professional standards and/or capability frameworks, and forums and networks.