250th Anniversary of Freedom of Information Legislation
Celebrated around the world today is the 250th anniversary of the world’s first Freedom of Information legislation. Issued in Sweden on 2 December 1766, the legislation decreed for the first time that government-held information, as a rule, was public and that citizens had the right to access it.
Freedom of information enables citizens to access information held by governments and their agencies facilitating participation in government decision making and building transparency of government.
Transparent governments are accountable governments, and accountable governments make better decisions and enjoy greater public trust. This is the key contribution freedom of information has to make to our modern democratic governments.
To mark the occasion, Australia’s State and Commonwealth Information Commissioners have issued a joint media statement promoting their commitment to the importance of Open Government and the right to access government-held information.
Read the joint media statement here.
For more information visit the website for the 250th Anniversary Year (page no longer available).