NSW Information Commissioner responds to the importance of amendments to information access legislation and announces regulatory action


The NSW Information Commissioner acknowledges the passage of the Government Sector Finance Amendment (Grants) Bill 2023 (the Bill) yesterday in NSW Parliament.

The Bill amends the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) and Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018 (GIPA Regulation) to include certain information regarding government grants to be considered under Open Access information and to be made publicly available.

NSW Information Commissioner, Elizabeth Tydd, said, “I commend the strengthening of NSW information access legislation. Open Access and the proactive release of government information is critical in ensuring that government is open, transparent, and accountable.

“Through the inclusion of grants information as Open Access information, there is improved transparency around how the NSW Government handles and allocates public funds. This is of benefit to the public and communities and promotes accountability in the allocation of public funds.

“The Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) plays key role it has in assisting agencies to achieve compliance with the legislation. Following the passage of the Bill the IPC looks forward to working closely with agencies to assist them in understanding this new obligation and incorporating it into their current Open Access practices.

“Assessment of compliance with these requirements will become part of the IPC’s audit program. The results of these audits will be published annually.”

More information and resources on information access are available at the Information and Privacy Commission NSW website.




For further information, please contact:

The Manager, Communications and Corporate Affairs on 0435 961 691 or email communications@ipc.nsw.gov.au

About the Information and Privacy Commission:

The Information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) is an independent statutory authority that administers New South Wales’ legislation dealing with privacy and access to government information. The IPC supports the Information Commissioner and the Privacy Commissioner in fulfilling their legislative responsibilities and functions and to ensure individuals and agencies can access consistent information, guidance and coordinated training about information access and privacy matters.

About the NSW Information Commissioner 

The NSW Information Commissioner’s statutory role includes promoting public awareness and understanding of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act); providing information, advice, assistance and training to agencies and the public; dealing with complaints about agencies; investigating agencies’ systems, policies and practices; and reporting on compliance with the GIPA Act.

The Government Information (Information Commissioner) Act 2009 (GIIC Act) establishes the procedures for appointing the Information Commissioner and sets out the Commissioner's powers and functions. It outlines the method for people to complain about the conduct of agencies when undertaking their duties under the GIPA Act, and the way in which the Information Commissioner may deal with the complaint. The GIIC Act also enables the Information Commissioner to investigate and report on how agencies carry out their functions under the GIPA Act.

For further information about the IPC visit our website at www.ipc.nsw.gov.au

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