Privacy Awareness Week 2015

Privacy Awareness Week is an annual initiative of the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA), of which the Information and Privacy Commission NSW is a member. APPA is the principal forum for privacy authorities in the Asia Pacific Region to form partnerships and exchange ideas about privacy regulation, new technologies and the management of privacy enquiries and complaints.

Privacy Matters @ Any Age

This year's Privacy Awareness Week theme is about protecting your personal information online, no matter your age. With the popularity of smartphones, mobile apps and using online services on the rise it is important to know what privacy settings are available and help keep you safe and informed. 

Getting involved in 2015

PAW is a great opportunity to spread the privacy message in your workplace.  Here are some ideas:

Put this banner on your website and link to the IPC PAW resources.

PAW PC logo banner

Download the banner here High res (for printing) or Low res (for displaying online).

Host an event 

Host a privacy event and tell us about it so we can help promote your event through our website or hold a training session for staff to get them thinking about privacy.

Click here to register your event (registrations now closed) 

Click here to access our new elearning Privacy Complaint Handling module (you will need to register).

Write about it

Consider publishing an article about privacy - Download a suggested news copy for your newsletter or put our Privacy Online Checklist on your organisation's intranet or in the staff newsletter to promote effective privacy practices across the business.

Display it

Display posters for Privacy Awareness Week around your office and provide privacy materials in your office's staff area.

PAW 2015 poster image v2
PAW Checklist image
Bus slide image for PAW 2015
Download the IPC PAW poster  Download the Privacy Online Checklist  Download this image to use as your screensaver. 
(look out for it on Syd Buses from 27 April 2015)


Be privacy savvy

Prepare a log-in/screensaver/pop-up for your organisation's computers containing messages reminding staff of the importance of protecting your personal information or use the IPC suggested version above.

Talk about it

Get people talking and send an email to all staff at the beginning of Privacy Awareness Week explaining the aims of the week and reminding people of their privacy responsibilities.

Test it

Take the Privacy IQ quiz and share it around your organisation:
We had such a positive response to this short privacy quiz that we thought we would provide it again in Privacy Awareness Week. Source: 

Trend it

Use the hashtag #privacymatters and #2015PAW.

Watch it

Watch the animation video on privacy issues.

PAW video image
PAW 2015 Infographic

PAW 2015 Animation.mp4

Access it on our YouTube channel:

PAW 2015 - Infographic.mp4

No explicit permission is required to use these materials however please acknowledge  the Information and Privacy Commission New South Wales.

Share this link to the IPC PAW webpage: through your distribution channels.

What's on in 2015

The NSW Privacy Commissioner Dr Elizabeth Coombs, The Office of Finance and Services and First State Super will host a FREE half-day Privacy Matters forum as part of Privacy Awareness Week 2015.

The forum will bring together leaders, managers and practitioners from across NSW government sectors to discuss why privacy should matter to your organisation (because it does to your customers) and the importance of customer-centred service delivery. 
Practical ideas, privacy governance perspectives and technological initiatives such as biometrics will be explored to better inform privacy practices within agencies. The event will promote discussion and assist delegates to share their learnings in the field of privacy protection, information management and implementing a ‘Privacy by Design’ approach to service delivery and organisational processes.
The event program will consist of a keynote address by the NSW Customer Service Commissioner Michael Pratt followed by an expert panel discussion on privacy issues. The discussion will be moderated by Philippa McDonald who will bring her knowledge of contemporary issues concerning the community.

Time:               9am registrations and morning tea, 9:30am start, 11:30am finish

Date:               Friday, 8 May 2015

Venue:            Museum of Sydney, cnr Phillip and Bridge Streets, Sydney

Please note this event is by invitation only

Resources for Public Sector Agencies

Resources for the Public

Other Resources

Special acknowledgments PAW 2015

What are my privacy rights?

NSW privacy legislation has been put in place to protect your privacy rights in NSW by making sure that your personal information is properly collected, stored, used or released by NSW public sector agencies and health service providers.
To find out more about your rights under NSW privacy laws, click here.