Government Information (Information Commissioner) Act 2009 (GIIC Act)

The information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) oversees the following laws concerning access to government information.

Government Information (Information Commissioner) Act 2009 (GIIC Act) (external website)

Government Information (Information Commissioner) Act 2009 (GIIC Act)

The GIIC Act establishes the procedures for appointing the Information Commissioner, and sets out the Commissioner's powers and functions. It outlines the method for people to complain about the conduct of agencies when undertaking their duties under the GIPA Act, and the way in which the Information Commissioner may deal with the complaint.

The GIIC Act also enables the Information Commissioner to investigate and report on how agencies carry out their functions under the GIPA Act.

Jurisdictional Compendium

The NSW Information Commissioner has led the coordination of a Jurisdictional Compendium prepared by the Association of Information Access Commissioners. The Compendium was prepared to assist in the development of the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan, particularly the Plan's draft commitment to review information access laws and to be available as a resource for each jurisdiction.

The Compendium identifies the similarities and differences of Australian legislative arrangements at a high level and does not purport to represent a detailed analysis of these arrangements.